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C L U B  K A T I A

Gold Foil Texture


Club Katia is a community that comes together to celebrate the awesomeness of romance novels and the people who read them. We've always got more room in da club, and we'd love to meet YOU!

There are two ways to get in on the action: sign up below to start receiving exclusive Club Katia updates straight to your inbox and join the Facebook group to hang out with your fellow club members.

It also involves freebies! Who doesn't love freebies?


As a welcome gift, I'd love to send you free copies of two of my stories available exclusively to club members:

Stop and Stare: a queer friends-to-lovers novella

Camp Holloway: a dystopian romance short story

Here are some of the other perks you can expect:

  • An invitation to our awesome Facebook group

  • Access to the Club Katia Exclusives page, a collection of bonus scenes, stories, and extended epilogues

  • Surprise mail: mystery paperbacks and swag I send out to randomly selected club members

  • Giveaways, sneak peeks, and insider info

  • Behind the scenes looks at my writing life

  • Early notifications about sales and new releases

...And more!

Ready to join? Hellz to the yes you are!

Just fill out the form below.

Now that you're done with that, don't forget to join the Facebook group! We're waiting for you :) But not in a creepy way. Okay, maybe in a slightly creepy way, but I promise you're going to like us.

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