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Just Might Work Playlist

Katia Rose

My writing process is never complete without a playlist. I love finding songs to fit my characters and their stories, and I'm the first to admit I get litttttle caught up in crafting the perfect playlist for each of my books.

For today's release week event, I'm sharing not only the track list for the Just Might Work playlist, but also a link to a guest post I did for the always amazing Sapphic book Club where I go into a little more detail about how each song relates to the story.

Grab your copy of Just Might Work here

and find the guest post here!

Full track list:

Complete Mess- Five Seconds of Summer

Headaches- Raveena

Seventeen- Sharon Van Etten

Move With Me- Locals Only

KD and Lunch Meat- Boy Golden

After Dark- Mr. Kitty

Hold On We’re Going Home- Drake

It’s Time- Imagine Dragons

Come Back Home- Two Door Cinema Club

Home We’ll Go- Walk Off the Earth

Here's a link to the playlist itself so you can listen along!

One of my beta readers for this story made character playlist for both Dane and Evangeline, which definitely influenced my own playlists. Thank you, Ollie! It was so cool to see someone else's music selections for the book.


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