I've seen so many awesome compilations of romance novels by black (and other POC) authors going around lately that I started a special bookmarks tab just so I could keep track of them all and share them with fellow romance fans. I've decided to take all those lists and post one LIST OF LISTS here so people can find them all in one place.

Amplifying POC voices is one of THE MOST important steps allies can take in the fight for equality, and this holds true in the world of romance. Lifting up authors of colour and talking about their work is integral to creating a romance community where diversity is welcome and can thrive.
So let's get amplifying! Here are some great compilations of recommendations to check out.
From The Sistah Girl Next Door
From Denise Williams
From Bae Crate
From Sierra Simone
From The Sistah Girl Next Door
Bonus: I recently discovered Shelly's Book Corner, an incredible Bookstagram account that does a fantastic job of celebrating and promoting diverse reads. I would highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend giving her a follow!
Bonus bonus: the list of lists wouldn't be complete without a bonus bonus. This article is a really eye-opening read about black romance and the publishing industry. Definitely take the time to check it out!